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The details of the security model isn't properly documented. Much information can be extracted from various parts of the protocol specification, but there is no complete overview. In time, this chapter may become such an overview. For now, it only defines when a membership is visible.
The various requests that return information about a membership can be grouped into three categories:
These requests fail if the conference is secret and you don't have access to it, even if a membership should be visible to you according to the rules below.
These requests fail if the person is secret and you don't have access to it, even if a membership should be visible to you according to the rules below.
These requests follows the rules below exactly.
The rules for membership visibility are given below. In the explanation, the variables C, P and V are used like this:
The following flags also influences how much V can see:
flag of P
flag of P:s membership in C
The following rules determines if a membership is visible to V. The first rule that matches is used.
and secret
flags are
flag is ignored. The unread-is-secret
flag is honored.
is unset, then the membership is visible. The
flag is honored.