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query-read-texts-10 [98] (10) Obsolete (11)

        query-read-texts-10 [98] (( person     : Pers-No;
                                    conference : Conf-No ))
                -> ( Membership-10 );

This call is obsolete. Use query-read-texts.

This call is used to find the number of unread texts in a conference. The data it returns is actually a membership structure which specifies which texts have been read. It is up to the client to transform the data to a more usable form. person is the person being queried and conference is the conference in question.

Calling query-read-texts-10 does not require the session to be logged in.


        1 98 6 1
        =1 4 32 5 11 12 7 93 1 193 1 1 20 133
           3 { 135 136 137 } 5 43 8 3 12 7 93 1 193 1 01000000

This example finds the read texts for user 6 in conference 1. The returned data indicates that conference 1 is the fifth conference on the users' membership list (4; remember that the position starts its count at 0), user last read the conference on Monday July 12th, 1993 at 11:05:32 (32 5 11 12 7 93 1 193 1), that it is the membership in conference number 1 (1), that the person has assigned priority 20 to the conference (20) and that all articles up to and including local number 133 (133) plus articles 135, 136 and 137 (3 { 135 136 137 }) have been read. The membership was added by person 5 (5) at Monday July 12th, 1993 at 03:08:43 (43 8 3 12 7 93 1 193 1) and it is passive (01000000).

Error codes

person does not exist, or no access to person.
Conference conference does not exist, or is secret.
conference is zero.
person is not a member of conference or insufficient privileges to find out if person is a member.