Index of roll 53
Film: Fuji Sensia 400
Comments: Tinnerö 2002-05-xx, Hallsta Ängar 2002-05-12, Stjärnorp 2002-05-18

ceder making his way through the ferns, Stjärnorp

Tree trunks at the bottom of the ravine, Stjärnorp

Ferns, Stjärnorp

Sky through the foilage from the bottom of the ravine, Stjärnorp

The stream, Stjärnorp

The stream, Stjärnorp

Meadows, Stjärnorp

Henrik shooting flowers, Hallsta Ängar

Lone pine, Järnlunden
(Convallaria majalis)

View from Klevberget, over Järnlunden

View from Klevberget

View from Klevberget, over Järnlunden

Henrik shooting the view from Klevberget

View from Klevberget

Spring flowers, Tinnerö
(Anemone nemorosa), Tinnerö
(Anemone nemorosa), Tinnerö

Spring flowers, Tinnerö
(Anemone nemorosa), Tinnerö
(Anemone nemorosa), Tinnerö
(Anemone nemorosa, Taraxacum vulgare), Tinnerö
(Taraxacum vulgare), near Tinnerö
(Anemone nemorosa), Tinnerö