10912359 2003-10-31 02:05 -0500 /65 rader/ Stan Bubrouski <stan@ccs.neu.edu> Importerad: 2003-10-31 18:32 av Brevbäraren Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <29705> Ärende: Advisory: Sun's jre/jdk 1.4.2 multiple vulernabilities in linux installers ------------------------------------------------------------ From: Stan Bubrouski <stan@ccs.neu.edu> To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com Message-ID: <1067583912.18552.158.camel@wvanl14.resnet.neu.edu> Author: Stan Bubrouski Date: October 31, 2003 Package(s): j2re/j2sdk OS: Linux (possibly others, see below) Versions: 1.4.2 - 1.4.2_02 Severity: Local users may overwrite any file owned by the user who installs java due to insecure file handling while unpacking/installing java. Problem: There are two sources of insecure file-creation while installing java on linux: the unpack program that is used to unpack[1] the install files and the RPM scripts[2]. I'll start off by describing [1]. Regardless of whether you downloaded the Linux .bin or rpm.bin installer, when you run the .bin and accept the license or install the rpm, sun invokes it's own unpack program. The program is stored in /usr/java/j2re<version>/lib/unpack while java is being installed, and it is erased after the install. Every time unpack is invoked it insecurely creates the file /tmp/unpack.log So a simple symlink and you can overwrite any file owned by the person installing java. This is most often root if installing the RPM. The second problem [2] lies in the scripts for postinstall which insecurely create the files /tmp/.mailcap1 and /tmp/.mime.types1, same possibilities as with [1]. To give you an idea of just how ugly the scripts are, a grep: [null@fedora null]# rpm -q --scripts j2re | grep /tmp tfile=/tmp/getjrelist$$.tmp grep -v ${MIME_TYPE} < $MAILCAP_FILE | grep -v "# Java Web Start" > /tmp/.mailcap1 cp -p /tmp/.mailcap1 $MAILCAP_FILE rm /tmp/.mailcap1 tfile=/tmp/getjrelist$$.tmp grep -v ${MIME_TYPE} < $MAILCAP_FILE | grep -v "# Java Web Start" > /tmp/.mailcap1 cp -p /tmp/.mailcap1 $MAILCAP_FILE rm /tmp/.mailcap1 grep -v ${MIME_TYPE} < $MIME_FILE > /tmp/.mime.types1 cp -p /tmp/.mime.types1 $MIME_FILE rm /tmp/.mime.types1 grep -v ${MIME_TYPE} < $MAILCAP_FILE | grep -v "# Java Web Start" > /tmp/.mailcap1 cp -p /tmp/.mailcap1 $MAILCAP_FILE rm /tmp/.mailcap1 Needless to say check /tmp before installing these rpms and binaries. I have not tested packages for other platforms like Solaris, but if they make use of the same unpack program they would be vulnerable too. Solution: Be cautious when installing these packages, check /tmp Regards, Stan Bubrouski (10912359) /Stan Bubrouski <stan@ccs.neu.edu>/(Ombruten) Bilaga (application/pgp-signature) i text 10912361 10912361 2003-10-31 02:05 -0500 /9 rader/ Stan Bubrouski <stan@ccs.neu.edu> Bilagans filnamn: "signature.asc" Importerad: 2003-10-31 18:32 av Brevbäraren Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <29706> Bilaga (application/pgp-signature) till text 10912359 Ärende: Bilaga (signature.asc) till: Advisory: Sun's jre/jdk 1.4.2 multiple vulernabilities in linux installers ------------------------------------------------------------ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQA/ogmmQHy9+2ztQiARAhoSAJwODvb0FoULo7tqy7lZD9nM36KM/wCgoz+Q iSCVQj7f6aKmz1lcGHemp3c= =LCii -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- (10912361) /Stan Bubrouski <stan@ccs.neu.edu>/------