11050529 2003-12-03 10:53 -0700 /55 rader/ Daniel Robbins <drobbins@gentoo.org>
Sänt av: gentoo-announce-return-176-11451=lyskom.lysator.liu.se@gentoo.org
Importerad: 2003-12-03 19:12 av Brevbäraren
Extern mottagare: gentoo-announce@gentoo.org
Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Mottagare: Gentoo (-) mailimport <272>
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <30144>
    Sänt:     2003-12-03 20:37
Ärende: [gentoo-announce] GLSA: rsync.gentoo.org rotation server compromised (200312-01)
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GLSA:        200312-01
summary:     rsync.gentoo.org rotation server compromised
severity:    normal
date:        2003-12-02
CVE:         None
exploit:     remote


On December 2nd at approximately 03:45 UTC, one of the servers that
makes up the rsync.gentoo.org rotation was compromised via a remote
exploit.  At this point, we are still performing forensic analysis.
However, the compromised system had both an IDS and a file integrity
checker installed and we have a very detailed forensic trail of what
happened once the box was breached, so weare reasonably confident
that the portage tree stored on that box wasunaffected.

The attacker appears to have installed a rootkit and modified/deleted some
files to cover their tracks, but left the server otherwise
untouched. The box was in a compromised state for approximately one
hour before it was discovered and shut down. During this time,
approximately 20 users synchronized against the portage mirror stored
on this box. The method used to gain access to the box remotely is
still under investigation.  We will release more details once we have
ascertained the cause of the remote exploit.

This box is not an official Gentoo infrastructure box and is instead donated
by a sponsor. The box provides other services as well and the sponsor
has requested that we not publicly identify the box at this
time. Because the Gentoo part of this box appears to be unaffected by
this exploit, we are currently honoring the sponsor's request.  That
said, if at any point, we determine that any file in the portage tree
was modified in any way, we will release full details about the
compromised server.


Again, based on the forensic analysis done so far, we are reasonably
confident that no files within the Portage tree on the box were
affected.  However, the server has been removed from all
rsync.*.gentoo.org rotations and will remain so until the forensic
analysis has been completed and the box has been wiped and
rebuilt. Thus, users preferring an extra level of security may ensure
that they have a correct and accurate portage tree by running:

emerge sync

Which will perform a sync against another server and ensure that all
files are up to date.
(11050529) /Daniel Robbins <drobbins@gentoo.org>/(Ombruten)
Bilaga (application/pgp-signature) i text 11050530
11050530 2003-12-03 10:53 -0700 /9 rader/ Daniel Robbins <drobbins@gentoo.org>
Bilagans filnamn: "signature.asc"
Importerad: 2003-12-03 19:12 av Brevbäraren
Extern mottagare: gentoo-announce@gentoo.org
Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Mottagare: Gentoo (-) mailimport <273>
Bilaga (application/pgp-signature) till text 11050529
Ärende: Bilaga (signature.asc) till: [gentoo-announce] GLSA: rsync.gentoo.org rotation server compromised (200312-01)
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (GNU/Linux)

(11050530) /Daniel Robbins <drobbins@gentoo.org>/---