85497 2002-11-27 15:11 /107 rader/ Trustix Secure Linux Advisor <tsl@trustix.com> Importerad: 2002-11-27 15:11 av Brevbäraren Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <2553> Ärende: TSLSA-2002-0080 - samba ------------------------------------------------------------ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trustix Secure Linux Security Advisory #2002-0080 Package name: samba Summary: Remote hole Date: 2002-11-21 Affected versions: TSL 1.5 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Package description: Samba provides an SMB server which can be used to provide network services to SMB (sometimes called "Lan Manager") clients, including various versions of MS Windows, OS/2, and other Linux machines. Samba uses NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) protocols and does NOT need NetBEUI (Microsoft Raw NetBIOS frame) protocol. Problem description: From the Samba 2.2.7 release notes: There was a bug in the length checking for encrypted password change requests from clients. A client could potentially send an encrypted password, which, when decrypted with the old hashed password could be used as a buffer overrun attack on the stack of smbd. The attach would have to be crafted such that converting a DOS codepage string to little endian UCS2 unicode would translate into an executable block of code. All versions of Samba between 2.2.2 to 2.2.6 inclusive are vulnerable to this problem. This version of Samba 2.2.7 contains a fix for this problem. Action: We recommend that all systems with this package installed be upgraded. Please note that if you do not need the functionality provided by this package, you may want to remove it from your system. Location: All TSL updates are available from <URI:http://www.trustix.net/pub/Trustix/updates/> <URI:ftp://ftp.trustix.net/pub/Trustix/updates/> About Trustix Secure Linux: Trustix Secure Linux is a small Linux distribution for servers. With focus on security and stability, the system is painlessly kept safe and up to date from day one using swup, the automated software updater. Automatic updates: Users of the SWUP tool can enjoy having updates automatically installed using 'swup --upgrade'. Get SWUP from: <URI:ftp://ftp.trustix.net/pub/Trustix/software/swup/> Public testing: These packages have been available for public testing for some time. If you want to contribute by testing the various packages in the testing tree, please feel free to share your findings on the tsl-discuss mailinglist. The testing tree is located at <URI:http://www.trustix.net/pub/Trustix/testing/> <URI:ftp://ftp.trustix.net/pub/Trustix/testing/> Questions? Check out our mailing lists: <URI:http://www.trustix.net/support/> Verification: This advisory along with all TSL packages are signed with the TSL sign key. This key is available from: <URI:http://www.trustix.net/TSL-GPG-KEY> The advisory itself is available from the errata pages at <URI:http://www.trustix.net/errata/trustix-1.5/> or directly at <URI:http://www.trustix.net/errata/misc/2002/TSL-2002-0080-samba.asc.txt> MD5sums of the packages: - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96e5c4eedf3d3e638954f3649acd4759 ./1.5/RPMS/samba-2.2.7-2tr.i586.rpm 1004f7c7d856db6933dd42cb3e1fdbcd ./1.5/RPMS/samba-client-2.2.7-2tr.i586.rpm 3bfce6f3114c2531e697749a7cb20b60 ./1.5/RPMS/samba-common-2.2.7-2tr.i586.rpm 8b072b4cd0e60ebd0b1e1ed60e2a178c ./1.5/SRPMS/samba-2.2.7-2tr.src.rpm - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trustix Security Team -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE94iVPwRTcg4BxxS0RAmwUAJ42n4FkKBhe1ivkRovoHxT1Wyp+kQCffF6L qiCjChjM8LMHy9lrUUr7I/w= =Dg9h -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- (85497) /Trustix Secure Linux Advisor <tsl@trustix.com>/(Ombruten)