8728500 2002-07-15 14:01 +0200  /79 rader/ <patrik.karlsson@se.pwcglobal.com>
Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se
Importerad: 2002-07-15  16:08  av Brevbäraren
Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <23078>
Ärende: pwc.20020630.nims_3.0.3_imapd.a
From: patrik.karlsson@se.pwcglobal.com
To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Message-ID: <OFCE0B0922.E19FE046-ONC1256BF7.0041CB8D@ema.pwcinternal.com>

PricewaterhouseCoopers Security Vulnerability Report
No: pwc.20020630.nims_3.0.3_imapd.a

Vulnerability Summary
Problem:           Multiple buffer overflow conditions have
                         been identified in Novell Netmail IMAP

Threat:            Denial Of Service.

Affected Software: Novell Netmail 3.0.3.
                   Novell Netmail 3.1,
                   Novell Netmail XE 3.1.

Platforms:         Linux Redhat 7.3,
                         Sun Solaris,
                         Microsoft Windows,
                         Netware 6.

Solutions:         Apply the appropriate patches from Novell.

Vulnerability Description
Multiple buffer overflows exist in the IMAPD service of Novell
Netmail 3.0.3 resulting in a Denial Of Service. Subsequent attacks
will result in a server reboot on Netware 6.0 SP 1.

Netmail (NIMS) 3.0.3A Update for NetWare

NetMail (NIMS) 3.0.3A Update for Linux

NetMail (NIMS) 3.0.3A Update for Solaris

NetMail 3.1a Update for NetWare

NetMail 3.1a Update for Windows

NetMail 3.1a Update for Linux

NetMail 3.1a Update for Solaris

NetMail XE 3.1a Update 

Additional Information
Novell was contacted 20020701.

This vulnerability was found by
Patrik Karlsson & Jonas Ländin

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(8728500) /<patrik.karlsson@se.pwcglobal.com>/------