7898773 2002-01-28 15:13 +0100  /95 rader/ Trustix Secure Linux Advisor <tsl@trustix.com>
Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se
Importerad: 2002-01-28  16:44  av Brevbäraren
Extern mottagare: tsl-announce@trustix.org
Extern kopiemottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Extern kopiemottagare: linsec@lists.seifried.org
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <20698>
Ärende: TSLSA-2002-0025 - rsync
From: Trustix Secure Linux Advisor <tsl@trustix.com>
To: tsl-announce@trustix.org
Cc: bugtraq@securityfocus.com, linsec@lists.seifried.org
Message-ID: <20020128141321.GA11206@thunder.trustix.com>

Hash: SHA1

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Trustix Secure Linux Security Advisory #2002-0025

Package name:      rsync
Summary:           Security fix
Date:              2002-01-28
Affected versions: TSL 1.01, 1.1, 1.2, 1.5

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Problem description:
   This update fixes the signed/unsigned remote exploit bug in rsync. In 
   previous releases the rsync program contained several bugs which would 
   allow remote attackers to write 0-bytes to almost arbitrary stack-
   locations, thus giving them control over the programflow so that they could
   obtain a shell remotely.

  We recommend that all systems with this package installed are upgraded.
  Please note that if you do not need the functionality provided by this
  package, you may want to remove it form your system.

  All TSL updates are available from

Automatic updates:
  Users of the SWUP tool can enjoy having updates automatically
  installed using 'swup --upgrade'.

  Get SWUP from:

Public testing:
  These packages have been available for public testing for some time.
  If you want to contribute by testing the various packages in the
  testing tree, please feel free to share your findings on the
  tsl-discuss mailinglist.
  The testing tree is located at

  Check out our mailing lists:

  This advisory along with all TSL packages are signed with the TSL sign key.
  This key is available from:

  The advisory itself is available from the errata pages at
  <URI:http://www.trustix.net/errata/trustix-1.2/> and
  or directly at

MD5sums of the packages:
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
e4da4af74ebf87feee979beff62af0eb  ./1.5/SRPMS/rsync-2.4.6-4tr.src.rpm
ca5e3bee94f885c83a07628376f7b0e6  ./1.5/RPMS/rsync-2.4.6-4tr.i586.rpm
e4da4af74ebf87feee979beff62af0eb  ./1.2/SRPMS/rsync-2.4.6-4tr.src.rpm
8d5f7deeb4eaf111c9ad8749e737cf3c  ./1.2/RPMS/rsync-2.4.6-4tr.i586.rpm
e4da4af74ebf87feee979beff62af0eb  ./1.1/SRPMS/rsync-2.4.6-4tr.src.rpm
e5713c4a209735d24245b8aea15e2290  ./1.1/RPMS/rsync-2.4.6-4tr.i586.rpm
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Trustix Security Team

Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

(7898773) /Trustix Secure Linux Advisor <tsl@trustix.com>/