Från Bugtraq Juni år 2001
Några texter från Bugtraq. Nyaste texterna sist:
- TSLSA-2001-0009 - GnuPG
- Binary file CSSA-2001-019.0.txt
- SuSE Security Announcement-- gpg/GnuPG (SuSE-SA--2001--020)
- fpf module and packet fragmentation--local/remote DoS.
- Fatal flaw in BestCrypt <= v0.7 (Linux)
- man/man-db MANPATH bugs exploit
- [RHSA-2001--075-04] Updated
xinetd package available for Red Hat Linux 7 and 7.1
- [RHSA-2001--074-03] Updated
ispell packages available for Red Hat Linux 5.2 and 6.2
- Re-- Qpopper 4.0.3 **** Fixes Buffer Overflow **** (fwd)
- Buffer Overflow in TIAtunnel-0.9alpha2
- [synnergy] - Sudo Vudo
- [CLA-2001--399] Conectiva Linux Security Announcement - gnupg
- [RHSA-2001--073-04] Updated GnuPG packages available
- su-wrapper 1.1.1 Local root exploit.
- potential buffer overflow in xinetd-
- Binary file CSSA-2001-021.0.txt matches
- Binary file CSSA-2001-020.0.txt matches
- [SECURITY] [DSA-058-1] exim printf format attack
- SSH allows deletion of other users files...
- SECURITY.NNOV-- Netscape 4.7x
Messanger user information retrival
- man 1.5h10 + man 1.5i-4 exploits
- XFree86-xfs-4.0.1-1 DoS
- [PkC] Advisory #005--
Default Slackware 7.1 installation /etc/shells perms bug
- MDKSA-2001--054 - imap update
- MDKSA-2001--055 - xinetd update
- [SECURITY] [DSA-059-1] man-db symlink attack
- Re-- lil' exim format bug
- [RHSA-2001--077-05] LPRng fails
to drop supplemental group membership
- xinetd update -- Immunix OS 7.0
- Binary file MDBMS-2001-06.txt matches
- MDKSA-2001--056 - tcpdump update
- [CLA-2001--402] Conectiva Linux
Security Announcement - exim
- ScreamingMedia SITEWare
arbitrary file retrieval vulnerability
- ScreamingMedia SITEWare
source code disclosure vulnerability
- fetchmail update -- Immunix
OS 6.2, 7.0-beta, 7.0
- sysklogd update -- Immunix
OS 6.2, 7.0-beta, 7.0
- TSLSA-2001-0010 - Apache
- Bugtraq ID 2503 -- Apache
Artificially Long Slash Path Directory Listing
- [SECURITY] [DSA-060-1] fetchmail buffer overflow
- [SECURITY] [DSA-061-1] multiple gnupg problems
- [SECURITY] [DSA-062-1] rxvt buffer overflow
- Buffer overflow in
BestCrypt for Linux
- Buffer Overflow in GazTek
HTTP Daemon v1.4 (ghttpd)
- [SECURITY] [DSA-063-1] two xinetd problems
- MDKSA-2001--046-2 - kdelibs update
- [CLA-2001--403] Conectiva Linux
Security Announcement - fetchmail
- [CLA-2001--404] Conectiva Linux
Security Announcement - xinetd
- [RHSA-2001--078-05] Format
string bug fixed
- MDKSA-2001--057 - proftpd
- MDKSA-2001--058 - ispell update
- MDKSA-2001--059 - webmin update
- MDKSA-2001--060 - rxvt
sendmail format string vulnerability
- LPRng + tetex tmpfile race
- uid lp exploit
- Binary file A-FTP-2001-06.txt matches
- suid scotty (ntping)
overflow (fwd)
- TLSA2001028 gnupg-1.0.6-1
- [ESA-20010620-01]--
fetchmail-ssl buffer overflow
- [ESA-20010620-02] apache
directory listing vulnerability
- ispell update -- Immunix OS
- bugtraq submission
- eXtremail Remote Format String ('s)
- Symlinks symlinks...this time KTVision
- Caldera Systems security advisory-- libcurses, atcronsh, rtpm
- [RHSA-2001--084-03] Kernel-- FTP
iptables vulnerability in 2.4 kernel and general bug fixes
- Binary file CSSA-2001-022.0.txt matches
- [RHSA-2001--071-05] New updated XFree86 packages available
- [CLA-2001--405] Conectiva Linux Security Announcement - samba
- [SECURITY] [DSA-065-1] samba remote file append/creation problem
- crypto flaw in secure mail standards
- [RHSA-2001--086-06] New Samba
packages available for Red Hat Linux 5.2, 6.2, 7 and 7.1
- Binary file CSSA-2001-022.1.txt matches
- Security Update--
[CSSA-2001-024.0] OpenLinux-- samba remote root problem
- Binary file CSSA-2001-018.1.txt matches
- samba update -- Immunix OS 6.2, 7.0-beta, 7.0
- TSLSA-2001-0011 - Samba
- reading from execve()ed setuid memory
- gnats update
- Binary file CSSA-2001-020.1.txt matches
- rxvt update -- Immunix OS 6.2, 7.0-beta, and 7.0
- [COVERT-2001-03] Oracle 8i SQLNet Header Vulnerability
- [COVERT-2001-04] Vulnerability in Oracle 8i TNS Listener
- MDKSA-2001--046-3 - kdelibs update
- smbd remote file creation vulnerability
- Re--
Fw-- Bugtraq ID 2503 -- Apache Artificially Long Slash Path
- Exploit for xinetd-
- SuSE Security Announcement-- samba (SuSE-SA--2001--021)
- SuSE Security Announcement-- xinetd
- [ESA-20010621-01] xinetd updates
- MDKSA-2001--062 - samba update
- php breaks safe mode
- xinetd update -- Immunix OS 7.0-beta, 7.0
- [CLA-2001--406] Conectiva Linux
Security Announcement - xinetd
- [CLA-2001--407] Conectiva Linux
Security Announcement - Zope
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