6717967 2001-07-06 21:04 +0200  /56 rader/ karol _ <su@poczta.arena.pl>
Sänt av: joel@lysator.liu.se
Importerad: 2001-07-07  21:33  av Brevbäraren
Extern mottagare: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Extern kopiemottagare: arslanm@Bilkent.EDU.TR
Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <17836>
Ärende: basilix bug
From: "karol _" <su@poczta.arena.pl>
To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com
Cc: arslanm@Bilkent.EDU.TR
Message-ID: <1fb8c2e127156a4d.27156a4d1fb8c2e1@poczta.arena.pl>

			| Basilix Webmail System Vulnerability |

Release Date :
13:49, 6 July 2001

Version Affected :

Basilix Webmail System 1.0.2beta
Basilix Webmail System 1.0.3beta

Description :

basilix lunches a file which name is read from an array request_id. 

from basilix.php3 :

	$file = $request_id["$RequestID"]; 
	if($file == "") exit();
	include($BSX_FILESDIR . "/" . $file);

so we could change it very easy, but in file lang.inc which is added
earlier in basilix.php3 there is a function which checks the RequestID
variable so we can not pass for example request_id[BLAH]=/etc/passwd.
But there is one hole in it and we can pass
request_id[DUMMY]=whatever_we_want and it will not fail. In effect
attacker can read any file in system ( if she/he has permission ) and
can 'execute' php files.

Example Exploit :



remove DUMMY from lang.inc. it disallow to pass file names to include
in request_id[DUMMY].  the author already knows about this bug and he
prepared a quick fix on www.basilix.org.

Karol Wiêsek - su <su@poczta.arena.pl>
(6717967) /karol _ <su@poczta.arena.pl>/--(Ombruten)