4870099 2000-03-07 07:35 /49 rader/ Postmaster Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <10112> Ärende: OpenLinux 2.3: rpm_query ------------------------------------------------------------ Approved-By: aleph1@SECURITYFOCUS.COM Delivered-To: bugtraq@lists.securityfocus.com Delivered-To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com X-Sender: harikiri@juggernaut.el8.org MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.21.0003041204220.6797-100000@juggernaut.el8.org> Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 12:32:04 -0800 Reply-To: harikiri <hariki@EL8.ORG> Sender: Bugtraq List <BUGTRAQ@SECURITYFOCUS.COM> From: harikiri <hariki@EL8.ORG> X-To: bugtraq@securityfocus.com To: BUGTRAQ@SECURITYFOCUS.COM This was observed on an OpenLinux 2.3 system, after performing a full insallation of all packages. NOTE: I didn't see anything on this in the Bugtraq archive, so I'm assuming it's not a known issue. [root@noname /root]# rpm -q -f /home/httpd/cgi-bin/rpm_query OpenLinux-2.3-16 [root@noname /root]# Issue The rpm_query cgi allows any individual who can connect to the web server to obtain a listing of all rpm's installed on the system. Impact Attackers may use this information to identify what vulnerable software packages have been installed. Recommendation If this cgi is not required: # chmod 0 /home/httpd/cgi-bin/rpm_query If it is required, use Apache's access control features to restrict who may use it. harikiri -- "Unless you enter the tiger's lair, you cannot get hold of the tiger's cubs." (4870099) ------------------------------------------(Ombruten) 4875100 2000-03-08 09:19 /15 rader/ Brevbäraren (som är implementerad i) Python Mottagare: Bugtraq (import) <10148> Ärende: Re: Caldera OpenLinux 2.3 rpm_query ------------------------------------------------------------ Sorry everyone, this cgi bin should have been killed long ago. We recommend you remove it completely. We are in the process of putting together an update that does just this. Cheers Olaf -- Olaf Kirch | --- o --- Nous sommes du soleil we love when we play okir@monad.swb.de | / | \ sol.dhoop.naytheet.ah kin.ir.samse.qurax okir@caldera.de +-------------------- Why Not?! ----------------------- UNIX, n.: Spanish manufacturer of fire extinguishers. (4875100) ------------------------------------------