Från Bugtraq sommaren och hösten 1999
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Några texter från Bugtraq:
- snplog-1.0 buffer overflow (snplog contains tcplogd, icmplogd, udplogd)
- [RHSA-1999:017-01] Potential security problem in Red Hat 6.
- [RHSA-1999:016-01] Potential security problem in Red Hat 5.
- [RHSA-1999:014-01] New dev, rxvt
- [RHSA-1999:013-01] New XFree86 packages for Red Hat Linux 6.
- KSR[T] #011: Accelerated-X
- VMware Security Alert
- joe 2.8 makes world-readable DEADJOE
- [RHSA-1999:022-01] New Samba packages available
- [RHSA-1999:022-02] New Samba pacakges available
- [RHSA-1999:023-01] Potential security problem in gnumeric 0.23
- [RHEA-1999:021-01] Enlightenment sets window properties incorrectly
- [linux-security] [RHSA-1999:022-03] New Samba pacakges available
- [RHSA-1999:025-01] Potential misuse of squid cachemgr.cgi
- Linux 2.2.10 ipchains Advisory
- midnight commander vulnerability(?) (fwd)
- [RHSA-1999:028-01] Buffer overflow in libtermcap tgetent()
- [RHSA-1999:029-01] Denial of service attack in in.telnetd
- [Linux] glibc 2.1.x / wu-ftpd <=2.5 / BeroFTPD / lynx / vlock
- [RHSA-1999:030-01] Buffer overflow in cron daemon
- [RHSA-1999:030-02] Buffer overflow in cron daemon
- WU FTPD Security Update
- INN inews vulnerability
- SECURITY: RHSA-1999:032 Buffer overflows in amd
- [SECURITY] RHSA-1999:034 New proftpd packages available
- RH 6.0 shadow passwords and locking users bug.
- SECURITY: RHSA-1999:033 Buffer overflow problem in the inew
- amd remote root exploit code
- SDI AMD remote exploit for RH linux
- MW, millennium worm
- [linux-security] buffer overflow in proftpd-1.2.0pre4
- gftp
- unix-virus mailing list
- SECURITY: RHSA-1999:040 New PAM packages available
- Debian amd
- Roxen Webserver
- WU-ftpd
- [RHSA-1999:041-01] File access problems in lpr/lpd
- Debian: New version of mirror fixes remote exploit
- RH6.0 local/remote command execution
- WWW cgi-scan
- [RHSA-1999:042-01] screen defaults to not using Unix98 ptys
- execve bug in kernel linux-2.2.12
- Secure syslog
- ypserv
- [RHSA-1999:043-01] Security problems in WU-FTPD
- Midnight Commander bug
- Truth about ssh 1.2.27 vulnerabiltiy
- Linux cdda2cdr local exploit
- Problems with redhat 6 Xsession and pam.d/rlogin.
- mirror-2.8.f4
- [RHSA-1999:046-01] security problems with ypserv
- [debian] New versions of lpr released
- [debian] New version of nis released
- Sendmail 8.x.x - any user may rebuild aliases database
- [RHSA-1999:052-1] new initscripts available (/tmp problems)
- [RHSA-1999:053-01] new NFS server pacakges available (5.2, 4.2)
- CERT Advisory CA-99.14 - Multiple Vulnerabilities in BIND
- [RHSA-1999:054-01] Security problems in bind
- [Debian] New version of nfs-server fixes remote exploit
- [Debian] New version of proftpd fixes remote exploits
- Buffer overflow exploit in the alpha linux
- SuSE Security Announcement - thttpd
- [Debian] New version of bind released
- SuSE Security Announcement - syslogd (a1)
- [RHSA-1999:055-01] Denial of service attack in syslogd
- DoS with sysklogd, glibc (Caldera)
- Caldera Pine Advisory
- ANN: Bruce v1.0 Early Access 1 - Available for download
- SuSE Security Announcement - new security tools
- wu-ftpd bug
- [ New Patches for Slackware 4.0 Available]
- [ New Patches for Slackware 7.0 Available]
- Slackware 7.0 - login bug
- Pandora for Linux Updated
- [Debian] New version of htdig released
- [Debian] New version of sendmail released
- SSH 1.2.27 & RSAREF2 exploit
- SSH 1.2.27 Buggfix
- CERT Advisory CA-99.15 - Buffer Overflows in SSH Daemon an
- More on Red Hat 6.1 sysklogd
- the dangers of ftp conversions on misconfigured systems/ftpd (specifically wu-ftpd)
- (Possible) Linuxconf Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
- Various Errors in Slackware
- More Netscape Passwords Available
- More details on the WU-FTPD configuration vulnerability
- remote buffer overflow in miniSQL
- BUG? Non-root user can configure traffic shaper (2.2.13) (fwd)
- L0pht Advisory: initscripts-4.48-1 RedHat Linux 6.1
- CERT Advisory CA-99-17 Denial-of-Service Tools
- RHBA-1999:063-01: Y2K compliant sharutils available
- Analysis of stacheldraht
- majordomo local exploit
- Announcement: Solaris loadable kernel module backdoor (även intressant för Linux).
- [RHBA-1999:061-01] new libtiff, groff packages available
- Local / Remote GET Buffer Overflow Vulnerability in Analog
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Kjell Enblom.
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