Setting a combination of "Restrict posting to members only":No, and a few explicitly allowed senders in Mailman of course allows only the explicityly allowed senders to post.
The python2-base packages in Debian doesn't include the distutils module. However, it's included in the python2-dev package.
Ahh! Don't miss-spell localhost when dealing with MySQL :-)
Cleaning Inline Ball-Bearings are not the most funny thing to do in the world.
If I don't want emacs to write backup files in a certain directory, I can do like this:
--snip-- (setq backup-enable-predicate (lambda (name) (or (< (length name) 5) (not (string-equal "/tmp/" (substring name 0 5))) (not (string-equal "/home/erik/documentation/diary/" (substring name 0 31)))))) --snap--
It took me a while to understand why the first test was there.. It's there to ensure that if the second test doesn't return t (because the file is not in /tmp) the function should return t anyway, since the default is enable backup-files.
Kudos to the people in 'Emacs erfarenhetsutbyte' @ LysLysKOM!
Another neat piece of .emacs I just wrote:
--snip-- (defun snipsnap () (interactive) (insert "\n--snip--\n") (push-mark) (insert "\n--snap--\n") (exchange-point-and-mark))
(global-set-key "\C-cs" 'snipsnap) --snap--
Makes it really easy to insert "snip-snaps", something I do quite often..
Running BIND on IRIX is not a painless experience. BIND 9.1 doesn't find virtual ip interfaces on the machine, so you must use a physical interface.
BIND 8.2.1 seems to have a patch for this, but I don't think that version is an option. I'm compiling 8.2.5 now to see how it behaves.
I also remembering having the same problem with Postfix. Hmm..
Ahh.. Bind 8.2.5 knew how to cope with aliases. Even without a patch.
Hmm.. There seems to be a smart way of choosing which email address should be used as sender address (From header, etc.) for different groups in Gnus. Posting-styles. For example, by doing 'G p' on my postfix folder, and entering this:
--snip-- (posting-style (address "")) --snap--
it uses another address (that I can change after a year or so to decrease spam address harvesting)
However, replying doesn't seem to work perfectly yet.
Ah.. If I instead define a variable, like this:
--snip-- (setq gnus-posting-styles '(("^postfix-users" (address "") ) ("^mailman-users" (address "") ) ("^mailman-devel" (address "") ))) --snap--
..then it works. Strange since at least one person says it should work in the other mode.
Ahh.. "LysBlock TNG", the new UCE filter @ Lysator seems to be working after a few nasty bugs:
* Make sure you specify what row you want to modify in a SQL table :-) * Don't misspell Postfix UCE restrictions, or get a '451 server configuration error'.