Lysators föredragsserie

16/3: Erlang

Med Joe Armstrong, Ericsson CS Lab

Erlang is a concurrent functional programming language developed at the Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory.

Erlang has been used to program a number of Ericsson products - these include the AXD301 ATM switch and Ericsson's GRPS system. A combined AXD301/AXE10 system was recently sold to the the U.K. where it will be used to build the next generation British backbone network. For the first time a functional programming language will be used to control the telecommunication backbone in the U.K.

In December 1998 Erlang was released as Open source and is attracting large number of new users. This talk is about the development of Erlang:

Joe Armstrong wrote the first Erlang compiler and has been actively involved in the development of Erlang.

Alla är välkomna till UppLYSning! Om inget annat meddelas så hålls föredragen på tisdagar klockan 18:15 - 20:00 i IDA:s seminarierum Estraden på andra våningen i E-huset.

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Upplysning arrangeras av Lysator i samarbete med Institutionen för Datavetenskap.