Lysators föredragsserie

27/11: A Bird's-Eye View of the WITAS UAV Project

Med Patrick Doherty, AIICS IDA

The WITAS (vee-tas) UAV Project is a research project with a focus on the development of information technology for unmanned aerial vehicles. The long term goal of the project is the development of a fully autonomous unmanned helicopter which can fly over and reason about traffic scenarios, track vehicles, and gather information about its operational environment using sensor capabilities which include an active vision system.

The project involves the integration of a great number of AI, computer science, and control theoretical competences. In the talk, I will describe recent progress in the project and demonstrate capabilities using video sequences and software simulations. If time and logistics permit, we can also take a look at the Yamaha RMAX platform used in experiementation.

Patrick Doherty is a professor at the Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Computer Systems Division (AIICS) Department of Computer and Information Science (IDA).

Alla är välkomna till UppLYSning! Om inget annat meddelas så hålls föredragen på tisdagar klockan 18:15 - 20:00 i IDA:s seminarierum Estraden på andra våningen i E-huset.

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Upplysning arrangeras av Lysator i samarbete med Institutionen för datavetenskap och UNIT.